Sunday 8 October 2017

Life of Pi

Another cinematographic experience not to be missed is Ang Lee’s 2012 “Life of Pi”. Based on the novel written by Yann Martel, Life of Pi is the story of Piscine (Pi), a boy who survives a disastrous encounter at sea, where through an unexpected turn of events, his only other survivor is a wild` Bengal tiger. The story is craftily brought to life through breathtaking visual effects and a unique look at the world yet to be explored by humanity. Ang Lee interweaves emotionally intense scenes that let audiences connect with a lone Indian boy on his quest for survival.

The story brings a unique, thought-provoking perspective to mainstream Hollywood, which delves into ethics, religion and culture to integrate a world that is misunderstood and known little about by audiences. Life of Pi simultaneously raises an age old ethical debate about the necessity of zoos and this mistreatment of animals, while probing into the notion that humans are no less mammals themselves. If you’re looking for a new movie to watch, that leaves you thinking at the end, this is the next Good Guys recommendation.



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